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How To Create A Grief Care Package

Over the last year or so, the sad events of the pandemic have absolutely changed our behaviour when it comes to grieving and loss. With social distancing having been in place for so long now, this has affected how we are able to support our friends and family who may be going through a tough time. This has brought about an increased need for being able to show our loved ones that we care, even from a distance. 

One great option here is to send care packages to those who are grieving, to try and help make their lives a little bit easier and show them that we are thinking of and supporting them.

What To Include?

When offering support in this way, you need to ensure that your gifts are practical and will bring some comfort to your loved one. Whatever you do, it is important not to overstep the mark. Ensure that whatever you are including in your care package is in keeping with your loved one and their needs, and won’t trigger or upset them in any way. The best piece of advice is to keep it practical, and if you’re not sure about how something will be received, don’t include it.

Food is always a great idea – as often in those immediate weeks following a death, food shopping and cooking can be the last thing on someone’s mind. For that reason, sending food to somebody who is grieving is a long-held tradition that is still relevant in today’s society. Whether that’s organising an online grocery delivery, picking up some essentials and delivering them in person, or perhaps even sending gift cards for a local shop or take away so that the person can pick and choose what and when they want to eat. You could even batch cook some simple meals and drop them round to take the thinking out altogether. 

Likewise, basic household items and toiletries can often be something that slips our mind at a time like this. Perhaps consider including some kitchen items like dishwasher tablets, bin bags and cleaning products, or toiletries such as deodorant, shower gel and bubble bath.

Lastly, comforting gifts are an excellent thing to include to show your loved one that you’re thinking of them and supporting them from afar. Often people will include calming products such as candles, pyjamas, bath bombs etc to provide some much needed relaxation. You could also consider things to try keep your loved one’s mind busy, such as books or journals.

Hopefully this has given you some food for thought, but if you’re still not sure about what to include in a care package, why not let the professionals take care of it for you? There are many great companies out there who have ready made sympathy packages, which may better suit your needs.  

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At Viner & Sons, we have been supporting the local community since 1777 and are here to help. If you’d like to learn more about us, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us to speak to our friendly team. You can contact us on 01732 842485, or find more information about us and our history here.

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